Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Begininng

So today it begins.

This will be a journey to review the over 750 Boy Scout Camps throughout the United States and it's territories.  While this will in no way be an official guide, it will be one Scouter's view of the numerous opportunities available for your Scout troop to it get to where it needs to be this summer - SUMMER CAMP!!

After all, summer camp should be the yearly pinnacle for each and every Boy Scout Troop.  Memories will be made, lessons will be learned and friendship that may last a life time, will be forged during that week away from home at a Boy Scout Summer Camp!

This blog will hit each and every Boy Scout council throughout the BSA and highlight the Summer Camp opportunities available in that council.  In helping plan summer camp outings for our Troop, I have found that there is a lot of information out there and we will do our best to sort it out and present it to our audience in a way where you can find out what is out there and guide your Scouts (and your Troop Committee) to make the best decision possible.  We will provide web links(where available) to each camp and a other pertinent information to allow you to do your research before you get to camp in order to avoid as may surprises as possible.

Our camp updates will be at least weekly!  If you want us to review your local camp or another camp, drop us a note in the comment section!  In addition, your feedback is invaluable so we encourage your input and feedback!

Thanks for stopping by!

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